PC Gamer 2000 January
Unnamed File 000027.bina
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233 lines
; Common constants used in AI goals - other constants will follow the specific goals
; Common.
(defconst NO 0) ;Used to indicate not set or initial value (as Normal)
(defconst YES 1) ;Used to indicate set
(defconst NORMAL 0) ;Used for default values
(defconst NOTICE 99) ;Used for special highlight or initialization values that should be set
; Constants used for ratings (i.e. monk-rating)
(defconst EXCELLENT 100); For any rating-type value highest to lowest
(defconst GOOD 70)
(defconst MEDIUM 50)
(defconst FAIR 30)
(defconst POOR 10)
; Constants used for combat or defense strategy selection
(defconst INFANTRY 1)
(defconst CAVALRY 2)
(defconst LIGHTCAV 3)
(defconst CAVARCHER 4)
(defconst ARCHER 5)
(defconst SCORPION 12)
(defconst UNIQUE 13)
(defconst UNIT20 20) ;SP - wasn't sure what 20 was used for in combat-arm and combat-supp
;NOTE: Goal 1 0 = no boats; Goal 1 1 = boats; Goal 1 10 = lotsa boats (island map)
(defconst boat-strategy 1)
(defconst SOMEBOATS 1) ;this actually means we're on a water map
(defconst MANYBOATS 10) ; this actually means we're on an islands map
;goal 2 0 okay on boats; 2 1 need warships! 2 2 we've won with ships
(defconst boats-needed 2)
(defconst WARSHIPS 1) ;I don't think this is used any more
(defconst CONTROL 2)
;Goal 3 0 = military parity; Goal 3 1 = an enemy outnumbers us!
(defconst military-parity 3)
;uses NO, YES
(defconst SUPERIOR 2)
;goal 4 = used to track attack group AI
(defconst attack-control 4)
;SP - need doc for
;0= okay to launch an attack
;1= not okay - because we're outnumbered, building a wonder, or have no enemies
;2= not okay - because we lack siege
;3= not okay - because we're trying to rush to the next age and want to limit losses
;goal 5 = controls gather rates - 5 0 = normal; 5 1 = wood; 5 2 = food; 5 3 = gold; 5 4 = stone
(defconst resource-needed 5)
(defconst WOOD 1)
(defconst FOOD 2)
(defconst GOLD 3)
(defconst STONE 4)
;(defconst GOLD-STONE 5) this means you want both gold & stone
;goal 6 = controls rushes!; also uses NOTICE
(defconst rush-control 6)
(defconst FEUDAL 2)
(defconst CASTLE 3)
(defconst IMPERIAL 4)
(defconst RUSHING 10)
(defconst BOOMING 18)
(defconst FEEDING 19)
;goal 7 used for deathmatch to determine whether or not to build more units
(defconst need-deathmatch-villagers 7)
;uses NO, YES
;goal 8 secondary-build controls secondary builds (ensures there are already soldiers before doing a secondary build)
(defconst secondary-build 8)
;0 = it's okay to build a secondary unit
;1 = don't build a secondary unit
;goal 9 resource-supp used in conjunction with resource-needed to determine what to gather
(defconst resource-supp 9)
(defconst FOOD-ONLY 2)
(defconst GOLD-ONLY 3)
(defconst WOOD-FOOD 12)
(defconst WOOD-GOLD 13)
(defconst WOOD-STONE 14)
(defconst FOOD-GOLD 23)
(defconst FOOD-STONE 24)
;goal 10 used to keep from building siege if I have few or no other units
(defconst soldiers-available 10)
;goal 11 = used to determine your main combat arm; in deathmatch, it determines your unique unit type
(defconst combat-arm 11)
;--Converted to constant combat-arm, uses common offense/defense unit line numbers.
;repl goal 11 1 = Infantry goal 12 1
;repl goal 11 2 = Cavalry goal 12 2
;repl goal 11 3 = Light Cav goal 12 3
;repl goal 11 4 = Cav Archer goal 12 4
;repl goal 11 5 = Archer goal 12 5
;repl scorpion = goal 12 12
;repl goal 11 13 = Unique
;goal 12 = used to supplement goal 11.
(defconst combat-supp SCORPION)
; Uses combat and defense strategy standard codes
;goal 13 = used to control boat production;
; 13 1 = no fast fire ships; 13 2 = no heavy demo ships; 13 3 = vikings
; 13 10 = no cannon galleys; 13 11 = no fast fire ships & no cannon galleys
(defconst boat-prod 13)
;goal 14 helps in age advancement
(defconst age-advancement 14) ; Uses NO, NOTICE
;--Converted 14 to constant age-advancement (was 0,99)
;SP - we should document our notice value -what does it indicate?
;NO = it's okay to start saving up for the next age advance, assuming all other criteria are met
;NOTICE - we are currently researching the next age. Keeps the CP from trying to "save up" for that age when it's already researching it
;goal 15 controls warboat builds according to pop cap; 15 0 = build warships
(defconst make-warboat 15) ; Uses NO, YES
;--Converted 15 to constant make-warboat Standard 0 = NO, 1 = YES
;goal 16 helps control upgrade conflicts
(defconst upgrade-conflict 16)
;NOTICE is 99 -- it means we're saving for age advancement or a wonder
;goal 17 controls builds based on civ type before unique units are available
(defconst pre-unique-arm 17)
;SP - need doc for
;1 = we're training infantry (until our castle is finished)
;2= we're training cavalry (till our castle is finished)
;3= we're training light-cavalry (till our castle is finished)
;4 = we're training cav archers (till our castle is finished)
;5 = we're training archers (till our castle is finished)
;note that these numbers correspond to the combat-arm and combat-supp goals above.
;goal 18 = used to decide on personalities
; goal 18 1 = feeder; 18 2 = boomer; 18 3 = bully; 18 4 = liar; 18 5 = "ally"
(defconst personality 18)
(defconst FEEDER 1)
(defconst BOOMER 2)
(defconst BULLY 3) ;m
(defconst LIAR 4)
(defconst ALLY 5) ;m
(defconst SENTTRIBUTE 10) ;SP - not sure about this one, check and correct
;SP: Document 11
;SP: Document 12
;SP: Document 13
;SP: Document 14
;SP: Document 15
(defconst TRADENEUTRAL 50) ;SP - not sure about this one, check and correct
;goal 19 = not currently in use
;goal 20 = helps control wonder-building
(defconst wonder-attempt 20) ; Uses NO, YES, POSSIBLE, MAYBE, NOTICE
(defconst POSSIBLE 10)
(defconst MAYBE 90) ;SP:Not sure on this one, took a guess.
;--Converted to constant wonder-attempt Standard 0 = NO, 1 = YES
;goal 21 = helps control castle-building
(defconst castle-attempt 21) ; Uses: NO, YES
;--Converted to constant castle-attempt Standard 0=NO, 1 = YES
;sandy - is goal 21 2 the 'possible/attempt' state? Can I change them to 10s?
;0 = not planning to build a castle.
;1 = want to build a castle, but haven't succeeded yet.
;2 = have already built 1 castle. Will build more if convenient.
;goal 22 = not currently in use
;goal 23 = goal 23 2 we are the main ship builder.
(defconst sea-owner 23) ; Uses: NO, YES, NOTICE
;--Converted 23 to constant sea-owner
;SP: Note changed all '2' to YES, all 0 to NO, all 99 to NOTICE.
;goal 24 = not currently in use
;goal 25 = controls alliance & resource types
;uses WOOD, FOOD, GOLD, STONE, NOTICE, NO. also uses
(defconst CASTLE-AGE-WOOD 11)
(defconst CASTLE-AGE-FOOD 12)
(defconst CASTLE-AGE-GOLD 13)
(defconst CASTLE-AGE-STONE 14)
(defconst IMPERIAL-AGE-WOOD 21)
(defconst IMPERIAL-AGE-FOOD 22)
(defconst IMPERIAL-AGE-GOLD 23)
(defconst IMPERIAL-AGE-STONE 24)
;goal 26 = checks to see how big the enemy military is in absolute terms.
(defconst enemy-soldiers 26) ;the number given is app the enemy's size
;goal 27 = determines monk prowess
(defconst monk-rating 27) ;Uses: GOOD, FAIR, NO
;--Converted 27 to constant monk-rating
; Changed from 0 = good monks, 27 1 = bad monks, 27 2 = terrible monks, 27 3 = no monks
; Changed to GOOD = good monks FAIR = bad monks POOR = terrible monks, NO = no monks
;goal 28 = helps keep alliances straight
(defconst get-mad 28)
;SP-uses NO, YES,
(defconst ANGRY 2)
(defconst ANGRIER 3)
(defconst ANGRIEST 4)
;goal 29 = controls tribute for feeder personalities
;goal 30 = toggle to control boat-building
(defconst make-fire-boat 30) ; Uses: NO, YES
;--Converted 30 to constant make-fire-boat
;goal 31 1 = infantry
(defconst infantry-upgrades 31)
;SP: Need documentation
;0 = not training infantry
;1 = training infantry
;goal 32 1 = archers
(defconst archer-upgrades 32)
;SP: Need documentation
;0 = not training archers
;1 = training archers
;goal 33 1 = cav
(defconst cav-upgrades 33)
;SP: Need documentation
;0 = not training cav
;1 = training cav
;goal 34 used to see if we are short on siege equipment
(defconst siege-available 34)
;0 = NO (we don't have enough siege)
;1 = YES (we have some siege)
;goal 35 = used for diplomacy on Easy & Easiest difficulty levels only. Also used to track
;used to calculate enemy navy size on higher levels of difficulty
;goal 36, 37, 38, 39 = wood, food, gold, stone checks for script parts that require them.
;SP: Need documentation
;goal 40 = wall-construction
(defconst wall-build 40) ; Uses: NO, YES, NOTICE
;Converted 40 to constant wall-build
;previously used 40 0 = walls off 40 1 = walls on, and 10 as initialized.
;Converted to NO, YES, NOTICE (was 10).
;timer 1 = controls tribute
;timer 2 = controls attack groups
;timer 3 = checks on what we are currently producing
;timer 5 = used to control chat messages
;timer 6 = additional chat message help
;timer 7 = wall-building timer
;timer 8 = yet more chat-message help
;timer 9 = the lumber-camp timer
;timer 10 = used to see if we've risen in age. Once we're imperial, used to build extraneous units
(defconst t-tribute 1)
(defconst t-attackgroup 2)
(defconst t-production 3)
(defconst t-chat 5)
(defconst t-chathelp 6)
(defconst t-tower 7)
(defconst t-chatmore 8)
(defconst t-lumbercamp 9)
(defconst t-ageup 10)